Chinaka DomNwachukwu



Chinaka DomNwachukwu


Pastor, Scholar, and Educator, Dr. Chinaka DomNwachukwu has made strides in the fields of diversity and intercultural studies blending faith and diversity in his teachings. DomNwachukwu has served as a prominent figure in various community sectors from religion, K-12 education, and now as Dean of Education at California State University, San Bernardino.

Dr. Domnwachukwu holds a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies, with an emphasis in Cultural Anthropology and Leadership Development from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena California. He has spent his educational career tirelessly working with faculty on their own professional development and curricular formation, lending his passion and expertise in the two pillars of faith and diversity. With 20 years of experience in higher education, Dr. DomNwachukwu has lent his research to numerous textbooks, including two published chapters in a McGraw-Hill book titled, "Connecting English Language Learners to the Cross-Cultural Methodology" which is today part of the curriculum at several California universities.


The Bridges That Carried Us Over Project


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